Flora - 植物 -
Rhythms in stillness / Rhythms in a lull
In these paintings the focus was solely on the inaudible rhythms felt in nature. The interplay of light and shadow makes everchanging contrasts in nature, reminding us that everything is fluctuating all the time, even on the stillest of days.
Rhythms in stillness I, Acrylic on canvas, 110x110cm
Rhythms in stillness III, Acrylic on canvas 110x110cm
Rhythms in a lull I, Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm
Look up
During the first Covid lockdown in Wales, which lasted over 100 days, the only outing I made apart from food shopping was the dog walks to the local woods. Even living in a rural environment, the sudden loss of the freedom of movement gradually affected me. Occasionally I felt as if some invisible force was slowly squeezing the space surrounding me.
But it was spring time and everything in the woods was continuing to grow and the sunshine was increasing its strength, just like in any other year. I was rejuvenated by the lightness of the sky glimpsed through endless layers of leaves.
Look up I, Acrylic on board, 110x110cm
Look up II, Acrylic on board, 105x105cm